No 1(36) (2020): Published on March 31, 2020
This article is devoted to the study of video games in the context of post-non-classical culture. On the one hand, video games are a product of modern culture which is at the post-non-classical stage of its development associated with a new type of rationality and the philosophical discourse of postmodernism. On the other hand, video games as new media, possessing mythological power and involving the subject in their space, activate archaic semantic strata. Video games have a significant impact on the mass consciousness, forming ideological and value-semantic attitudes. They can be investigated as a product of myth-making and myth-design. The aim of the article is to explore video games as a neo-mythological phenomenon in the context of post-non-classical culture. Methods: general philosophical research methods, comparative historical method, hermeneutic analysis, methods of applied ludology. Results. We have highlighted and described the main features of post-non-classical culture. Video games are investigated as a product of post-non-classical culture, reflecting its main features and experience of the world vision of a modern individual. We have come to the conclusion that post-non-classical culture, legitimizing various types of rationality and discourse, leading to the image of an unstable, chaotic and disproportional world, actualizing archaic representations displaced before classical culture, is close to myth in its world vision. Video games as a non-mythological phenomenon show us the following features of post-non-classics: eclecticism, bricolage, symbolism, co-creation and non-linearity
Ключевые слова:
Video game, post-non-classical culture, game, post-modernism, myth, bricolage, eclecticism, symbolism, narrative, non-linearity, co-creation