No 1(40) (2021): Published on March 31, 2021



Relevance. The expansion of scientific and technical inventions into official and everyday environments creates a new subject field for socio-humanitarian reflection. The availability and relative ease of use of electronic tools create a dangerous illusion of the irrelevance of classical anthropological and socio-cultural problems that almost all generations of people have faced. This leads to the gradual degradation of generally accepted forms of social communication with the simultaneous escalation of archaic forms of social life. The aim of the research is to analyze the dialectic of man and machine in Hollywood dystopian projects. Methods. The article uses semiotic and psychoanalytic approaches to analyze the artistic experience of visualizing the most acute anthropological and social contradictions associated with modern expectations of the future, presented in American horror films.  Results. The contradictions between a man and a machine are the cornerstone of the refraction of the leading trends in modern society. The degree of drama of this problem is precisely visualized by the growing catastrophism and hopelessness of the plots of American horror films, in which the conflict of nature, man and machine turns into individual and universal catastrophes. The situation is even more dangerous, because it creates a widespread illusion that through the introduction of artificial intelligence, it is possible to achieve qualitative progress not only in production, but also in the field of social management, and in people's everyday life. Findings. The ideology of dystopian Hollywood projects serves as a full-fledged, serious warning to scientists and politicians about the dangerous consequences of the rash introduction of artificial intelligence systems into the social communication system without a full-fledged socio-humanitarian expertise that allows assessing possible anthropological risks.

Ключевые слова:

Dystopia, android, American horror film, cyberreality, biopolitics, post-apocalyptic ideology


Andrey G. Nekita

Sergey A. Malenko

Olga V. Shirokova

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