No 4(43) (2021): Published December 30, 2021



The relevance of the article is conditioned by the increased role of digital technologies in the social sphere. The author examines the impact of digitalization on charity, using the example of innovative forms of caritative activities, the system of which, on a par with other socio-economic branches of charity, is subject to digitalization. Web-services, electronic means of communication and payment; social networks and messengers are a small part of innovations, which digitalization has brought to charity. The implementation of innovative forms of caritative activities is a priority direction of development of the charitable sector. The aim of the research is to reveal the content of innovative forms of caritative activity; to describe the approximate ways of development of this branch. The tasks are conditioned by the purpose of the article: to consider innovative forms of caritative activity in their essential characteristics; to prove the increasing secular character of caritative activity, defining this branch not only as a religious catechetical dogma, but also as a secular socially useful initiative; to disclose the concepts «crowdfunding» and «fundraising», as the main elements of innovative forms; to analyze the algorithm of providing functioning of innovative forms of caritative activity. To achieve the objectives, the following methodological approaches: ontological, socio-economic and other approaches, generalized by the overall objective of the study of the innovative field of caritative activity, are used. As a result of the carried out work the mechanism of realization of innovative forms of caritative activity is considered, the model of interaction of participants of crowdfunding relations is deduced, the gaps in legislative regulation of digital legal relations are noted. Conclusions. The charitable sector of the social sphere is subject to informatization, undoubtedly, innovative forms of caritative activities, which not only create a trend towards digital socio-economic relations, but also seek to unify them, through the institutions of crowdfunding and fundraising, can be a striking example. With the successful implementation of innovative forms of fundraising and their introduction into practice, the speed of solving financial problems related to fundraising increases significantly, as well as the completeness of coverage of the audience interested in fundraising assistance.

Ключевые слова:

crowdfunding, caritative activity, charity, express donations, web charity, non-profit organizations, volunteering, economic donation, crowd finance, fundraising


Ivan A. Semenov

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