Vol 51 No 4 (2023): Published December 30, 2023

DOI https://doi.org/10.18799/26584956/2023/4/1689

Formation of competencies of participants in student scientific associations in the "university–employer" system using the example of Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Relevance. The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of research activities in formation and development of professional and personal competencies of university students. The paper studies the characteristics of their professional motivation in interaction in the "university–employer–student" system. These components of the learning process at a university are key to formation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of students, as well as their interest and need for further growth of their own potential. Aim. To analyze the features of formation of competencies during students participation in the research work of the university; to identify the motivation of their activities in student scientific associations; to determine student assessments of their own research and educational activities; to identify their views on their professional future. Methods. Quantitative strategy of sociological research, survey method. During the survey, all procedural requirements for implementting the survey method in the practice of empirical research were observed. The sample is representative, continuous. All surveyed students are the members of Irkutsk National Research Technical University student scientific associations. Results. The authors have identified the competencies and values that are basic for formation of professionalism of a student – a future participant in interaction on the labor market. They assessed the role of the “university–employer–student” interaction system. Cooperation between a university and employers in general can be considered as a promising and effective direction that enhances developing students research and purely professional competencies. The success of the functioning of this system of relations within the university environment directly affects the development of professional motivation of students. 

Ключевые слова:

Competencies, interaction, university, professional motivation, employer


N.V. Sidorova

A.A. Yakubova

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