Vol 51 No 4 (2023): Published December 30, 2023

DOI https://doi.org/10.18799/26584956/2023/4/1715

Studying the level of students' motivation for learning: quantification approach and results

Relevance. Analysis and quantification of motivation to learn are an important tool for assessing and improving the quality of education. Identifying the factors, that influence student motivation, allows creating a pool of activities for elimination problems and improvement the educational process on the whole. With the changing requirements for the system of higher professional education, the formation of such motivational qualities as self-organization, self-discipline, flexibility and adaptability is becoming increasingly important. In this context, motivation plays a key role, as it stimulates the active search for knowledge, the development of professional skills and the mastery of new methods and approaches. The motivational aspect is also associated with creating a favorable educational environment that stimulates student interest and involvement. Methods. Statistical data processing, expert assessments, deductive and inductive methods of cognition, brainstorming, etc. Results. The results obtained include the qualitative and quantitative level of motivation to study in the system of higher professional education. Qualitative assessment is based on the analysis of motivational factors and their relationship with student success, identifying key points that influence the level of motivation to learn. Quantitative assessment, in its turn, evaluates state of motivation ranging from 0 to 1. The lists of obstacles to increasing the level of students' motivation to study, and a set of measures that shape the motivational process have been created. Conclusions. The need to develop methods and approaches aimed at increasing the efficiency of the educational process by creating conditions that stimulate motivation.

Ключевые слова:

assessment of the quality of education, criteria, motivation to learn, quantification, expert assessment


O.Yu. Korneva

I.V. Plotnikova

E.V. Silifonova

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