Vol 52 No 3 (2024): Published September 30, 2024

DOI https://doi.org/10.18799/26584956/2024/3/1721

Social capital as a factor in resocialization of combatants: key problems and management mechanisms.

Relevance. Historical experience shows that the problem of resocialization of combatants has a significant impact on social security and sustainability of social development in post‐war times. In relation to the events caused by geopolitical instability and the military operations, this topic is once again becoming relevant for modern Russian society, since not only the health and well‐being of military personnel who took direct part in hostilities, but also the most important indicators will largely depend on the effectiveness of the resocialization processes of socio‐economic development of the country as a whole. Research problem. Due to a significant increase in the number of combatants over the past three years, there is a need to develop a comprehensive social program to assist in social adaptation and resocialization of this category of people. Currently, the legal standards established at the federal and regional levels do not take these practices into account, and therefore their effectiveness is significantly reduced. Taking this circumstance into account, there is a need to introduce additional measures to restore and diversify the social capital of combatants, which includes three basic segments: social connections, values and norms. Aim. To develop measures to support combatants using the structural components of social capital, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the resocialization. Methods. Analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and systematization and analogy. Results. The authors have revealed that the resocialization effectiveness is largely determined by the degree of involvement of basic segments of social capital in the process; proved the feasibility of introducing measures of additional support for military personnel using primary (family and small group level) and secondary (work collectives, public organizations, society) social capital; developed additional support measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the resocialization of combatants; established that the social capital of military personnel in the case of ineffective resocialization can take on negative, destructive forms of manifestation; substantiated the need to differentiate resocialization of combatants into three basic stages and to introduce management practices at each of them to increase the efficiency of the implementation of this process. Conclusions. The currently developed set of measures to support  participants in a special military operation contains many areas that affect virtually all areas of life, but nevertheless, a significant omission remains that they are primarily of a normative nature, without fully taking into account the socio‐psychological problems that military personnel face upon returning to civilian life. To increase the effectiveness of the measures taken, it is necessary to reorient from a normative approach to a process approach, which allows us to look at the resocialization of military personnel as a series of stages, at each of which appropriate types of assistance should be introduced in the selection and development of target guidelines. In addition, special attention should be paid to measures to restore previously deflected patterns of behavior based on lost values, norms and social relations – the basic segments of social capital.

Ключевые слова:

combat participants, resocialization, social adaptation, post‐traumatic stress disorder, social capital, assistance to participants in special military operations


A.G. Karimov

L.A. Gerasimova

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