Vol 52 No 3 (2024): Published September 30, 2024

DOI https://doi.org/10.18799/26584956/2024/3/1827

Potential of creative space in the educational environment

Relevance. Currently, issues related to the specifics of the implementation of state youth policy in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation are becoming one of the priorities in the context of the implementation of the internal policy of the regions. This is due not only to the socio‐economic specifics of the subjects, but also to the peculiarities of the demographic and cultural portrait of the population. The development of creative industries in modern conditions is a factor in the revitalization of regional economies around the world. Creative industries are innovative mainly in the form of individual enterprises, forming a postmodern product in the field of software and computer games, the film industry, fashion, design, jewelry, and education. The rapid growth of creative industries in modern society necessitates the study of questions about their essence, specificity and functions. In this regard, it becomes relevant to analyze the development of educational services provided by creative entrepreneurs – residents of creative spaces. Today, hopes are placed on the creative industries for development and revitalization of economic activity in the cities and regions of the Russian Federation, and at the same time, the main resource of the economy rightfully becomes a person – active, creative, intellectual. Through the analysis of the social creative space of the region as a socially transformative activity, the article presents models of integration of the development of creative industries and the educational process of educational organizations. Aim. Description of models for integrating the development of creative industries and the educational environment in the context of educational organizations in the region, comparative analysis of domestic practices in the use of creative industries in higher education. Methods. Content analysis, theoretical methods (analysis of literature on the research topic, including regulatory documentation, synthesis, classification and generalization). Results. The paper introduces the analysis of educational platforms, advantages and limitations, models of integration of the development of creative industries and the educational environment.

Ключевые слова:

creative industries, educational platforms, regional economy, resources


V.V. Orlova

A.V. Gryaznova

E.R. Mengardt

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