No 3(34) (2019)



Relevance. Modern popular culture is an example of paradoxical competition of various types of interpretation of the essence of nature and civilization. Today, they are dominated by populist and philistine models explaining these paradoxes, which are characterized by stereotype, bias and vulgar anthropocentrism. While the study of modern visual culture is designed to actualize the importance of the scientific approach in studying the dialectic of the interaction of Homo sapiens with other forms of life on the planet. The aim of the research is the comparative semiotic and psychoanalytic study of the paradoxes of modern visual culture, which is increasingly failing to abandon natural images and screen construction of artificial vital objects. Methods. The study is based on the composition of the phenomenological, semiotic and psychoanalytic methods of studying visual culture, which allows analyzing the anthropocentric symbolism of modern mass society, its ideological priorities and semantic content. Results. The American horror film is at the forefront of the processes occurring in modern popular culture, and creates a special ideological technology for visualizing mass fears and phobias in relation to the unknown surrounding nature of the planet. Being unconscious in their basis, these emotional states imaginate and objectify the most acute contradictions of civilization and nature, which are transferred to subhuman forms of life. The complex composition of the attributes of the images of various living beings, which in mass culture stereotypically correlate with danger and evil, is sublimated in visual models of exomorphic creatures. They become universal symbols of evil and death, and collectively represent aggressive ways of conquering the world and culture. It is in the form of aggression of exomorphic creatures that the American horror film tells of excessive threat to the person and all of nature from civilized humanity. Findings. It is indicative that Hollywood film images of exomorphic creatures consistently reproduce imaginative patterns of formation of consciousness and, by virtue of this, are becoming particularly popular in popular culture. In addition, sacred and supernatural qualities are purposefully attributed to these artistic images. Exomorphs are the result of a constructive symbiosis of the external qualities of various living beings, their behaviors, such as hunting, feeding and breeding. As a result, such exomorphic creatures are collective images in which all power of nature is concentrated, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the entire destructive potential of civilization as its artificial opponent.

Ключевые слова:

Image of xenomorph, visualization, evolution, ideology of anthropocentrism, American horror film, mass culture


Sergey A. Malenko

Andrey G. Nekita

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