No 3(34) (2019)



The relevance of the work is determined by global processes: ageing of population as a whole, caused by declining fertility and rising longevity and increase in economically active age. The phenomenon of mankind's aging and the process of life activity of older age groups develop in a complex weakly structured problem field and belong to the class of «soft» systems. One of the most important problems in the study of such class of phenomena is the involvement of the necessary amount of empirical information in the scientific circulation. This paper opens a series of articles devoted to collection and analysis of statistical information on realization of the potential of the older generation in the Russian Federation on the example of the Tomsk region. The aim of the research is to evaluate the characteristics of the sample of senior age groups and old-age pensioners according to the statistical data of Rosstat and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk region from the point of view of information preparation for making managerial decisions. The sources of information are Rosstat, the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical Systems (EMISS), Tomskstat, information obtained upon agreed requests to the territorial statistical office, and the results of sociological research. Methodology: approaches of descriptive statistics: comparisons, relations, visualization of dynamics of changes, statistical analysis. The logic, structure and methods of analysis of the material correspond to those adopted in official statistical surveys and policy briefs. Analysis of statistical forms and assessment of their availability in regional context allowed selecting the main sources of information for further research. The article provides a detailed analysis of demographic processes in the senior age groups of the Tomsk region and compares the regions of the Siberian Federal District by some indicators. The age and sex structure of the population of the Tomsk region is given above the working age, as well as mortality rates of the population above the working age by the main classes of causes of death. Statistical data confirm the fact that the population ageing in the region will continue. The paper introduces the following two articles of the single cycle «Realization of the potential of the older generation. Standard of living» and «Realization of the potential of the older generation. Participation in the labor market».

Ключевые слова:

Demographic processes, realization of potential, working pensioners, senior age groups, pension system reform


Eugeniy A. Monastyrny

Sergey V. Kasinsky

Nina P. Dyrko

Valentina V. Kotova

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