No 2(37) (2020): Published on June 30, 2020



The relevance of the work is determined by global processes: (1) ageing of the population as a whole, caused by declining fertility and rising longevity; (2) increase in the economically active age. Labor force statistics in the Russian Federation is traditionally considered as statistics of persons of working age and persons over the working age. Details of older age groups are usually limited. This is observed both in specialized official statistical collections and in the section «Older generation» of the Federal State Statistics Service. Moreover, for many indicators of federal statistics there is no free access in the regional context. The purpose of the present study is defined in the first article of the cycle and remains the same – to evaluate the characteristics of the sample of senior age groups and old-age pensioners according to the statistical data of Rosstat and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Tomsk region from the point of view of information preparation for making managerial decisions. The objectives of this work are to study the participation of older people in the labor force and to develop models for realization of the labor potential of older people. The sources of information are Rosstat, the Unified Interdepartmental Information and Statistical Systems (EMISS), Tomskstat, information obtained upon agreed requests to the territorial statistical office, and the results of sociological research. Methodology. The authors have used the following approaches of descriptive statistics: comparisons, relations, visualization of dynamics of changes, statistical analysis. The logic, structure and methods of analysis of the material correspond to those adopted in official statistical surveys and policy briefs. “Soft” system analysis approaches are used in modeling. Results. The article provides a detailed analysis of the situation of pensioners in the labor market, the distribution of the employed population of different age groups by types of economic activity, occupation (positions) and age groups. Based on the results of the analysis of statistical data, the conclusions were drawn. In the Tomsk region in the period from 2010 to 2018 the trend of demographic aging of the population was traced. One of the consequences of the increase in the share of elderly people is the increase in the demographic burden on the able-bodied population of working age. This leads to the need to expand the labor market, mainly the employment of pensioners. Modeling. The selected presentation of statistical data has made it possible to identify three main processes that determine the realization of the potential of the older generation: (1) participation in labor force, (2) exit from labor force, and (3) mortality in each age group. The data show that in the age group 70–74 the number of employees becomes a statistical error, and the process of exit from labor force records the fact that it is possible to realize the potential of this part of older people only in the social sphere. The polynomial approximation was carried out for the selected processes. A model-vision of the phenomenon was developed, which includes broader processes affecting the realization of the potential of the older generation: social, economic, physiological, as well as the processes of formalized and informalized support of the older generation.

Ключевые слова:

Realization of labour potential, working pensioners, senior age groups, reform of the pension system


Eugeniy A. Monastyrny

Sergey V. Kasinsky

Nina P. Dyrko

Valentina V. Kotova

Irina А. Pavlova

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