Guide for authors
The journal accepts the articles previously unpublished and not submitted for publication in other issues. The Editor in Chief sends all manuscripts for double-blind review (provided by the editorial board) and checks for plagiarism (originality of the text should be at least 80 % of the total value).
All articles must meet the following requirements:
- Be typed in MS Word-2003;
- Be typed in Times New Roman (font size 11 pt, 25 mm margins, single line spacing without hyphenation, extra spaces and paragraph intervals).
- The volume of the articles is not less than 7 but not more than 20 sheets, including figures and tables placed in the text by reference (the ratio of figures and tables to text is 30 to 70 %);
- The volume of the review is 7-30 pages, including figures and tables in the order in which they appear in the text (figures, tables/text 30/70 %); the review should contain 30 references and more.
- Bibliography should include 20 sources or more; the reference to own works is no more than 20 % of the total number of the sources; the bibliography must obligatory contain the references to contemporary and foreign sources (20 % of the total);
- Abbreviations used in the text is to be decipher for the first time;
- The bibliography should be made in the order of first reference of the sources. In the text the number of the source in the bibliography is given enclosed in square brackets. The bibliography includes only the published works, the reference must match one source. The bibliography includes only the sources mentioned in the text.
General requirements
- UDC (placed in the left upper corner of the document);
- article title (in capital letters) in Russian and English; bold, size 11 pt;
- information about the authors in Russian and English (see the example of article submission guidelines):
– Full name of the authors;
– Degree, position;
– Place of work and division (Institute, Department, etc.)
– Postal address of the place of work;
– E-mail of the authors;
– Abstract (in Russian and English), 200 words and more, describing the relevance and the aim of the research, methods, results, conclusions; - Key words (5 words in Russian and English).
- The article must contain the conclusions.
Figures, tables and formulas:
- Figures files in jpg, tif, cdr or other formats of graphic editors Photoshop, Corel Draw with 300 dpi, attached to the article;
- Figures and tables names: Fig. 1. Title; Table 1. Title;
- Fractions and intervals: 1,2...1,8 mm; 5–7 pcs;
- Formulas are in MathType (Equation Editor);
- Only formulas referenced in the text are enumerated;
- Use the quotes like «…».
- drawn up in accordance with the rules of the Journal (article example);
- formed in accordance with the references in the text, e.g. [1, 2] or [3–7];
- transliterated bibliography using Roman alphabet (Latin, see the example of article submission guidelines).
The submission of an article for publication confirms the author agreement with all the requirements.