Vol 51 No 4 (2023): Published December 30, 2023

DOI https://doi.org/10.18799/26584956/2023/4/1678

Features of a university student social portrait

Image is a sociological category that is closely related to the theory of social stratification. The field of image
management is a strategic issue. In addition, it is a part of the problem that covers different areas of scientific knowledge: sociology, sociology of management, sociology of communications, management, marketing (educational marketing), etc. Universities in Russia as social organizations began to engage in image formation only in 2010, when the country began the transition to project management in the field of public and municipal administration. In particular, the requirements for the formation and promotion of the university's image began to appear within the framework of federal educational projects. For example, the Project 5-100 (2012–2020), the Program "Priority 2030" (2021 to the present century). Therefore, the issues of strategic planning in the field of image management of an educational organization are quite new for comprehension in domestic science. Aspects from the point of view of the sociology of management and the sociology of communications have been little studied. The theory and practice of strategic planning in the field of image management of an educational organization does not pay enough attention to the first important stage of planning – the analysis of recipients and translators of the image of the university. Aim. To analyze temporal variability and degree of universality of the key criteria of a university student social portrait based on primary and secondary sociological research. Methods. Classical general scientific methods – analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction. In addition, the tools of the calculation part (the apparatus for identifying statistical dependencies), as well as questionnaires, document analysis, comparative analysis and analysis of secondary information. Results. The social portrait of a university student is a stable and specific information base. The main criteria of the social portrait demonstrate the stability of characteristics of the translators and recipients of the image and motivational factors of choosing a university for five years. At the same time, the social portrait of a student in each educational institution has distinctive characteristics that make it possible to differentiate the recipients and translators of the image, as well as to form the image policy of the University for a certain Segment of the consumer of educational services. Conclusions. Strategic planning of the image policy of an educational organization should begin with the stage of sociological
research with a multi-criteria allocation of a specific segment of consumers in the educational services market.

Ключевые слова:

Image policy, strategic planning, social portrait of a student, higher educational institution, organization image, educational marketing


M.G. Gildingersh

A.A. Shadrin

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