Vol 52 No 1 (2024): Published March 31, 2024

DOI https://doi.org/10.18799/26584956/2024/1/1714

Impact of corporate social responsibility on transition to a green economy

Relevance. Determined by the importance of transition to a green economy both at the state level and
at the level of individual firms. Aim. To study the impact of corporate social responsibility on transition to a
green economy. Methods. An abstract-logical approach was used based on a systematic analysis of the corporate social responsibility impact on transition to a green economy in Russia and in other countries. ESG-ranking and experience in introducing corporate non-financial reports, including the number of environmental reports in Russian companies were also analyzed. A breakdown of environmental reports by industry was carried out and the change in the number of these reports in recent years was studied. Results. The peculiarities of the impact of corporate social responsibility on the green economy include saving of natural resources, introduction of ecodesign principles and development of eco-needs among customers. The Russian leaders publishing environmental reports and having a higher ESG rating include the oil and gas industry, energy, banks, production of agrochemicals, black metallurgy. Conclusions. The state support of the firms is recommend in introducing the principles of corporate social responsibility.

Ключевые слова:

corporate social responsibility, green economy, impact of social responsibility on transition to a green economy, emissions reduction, transition to a circular economy, non-financial reporting, ESG-ranking


M.A. Kozlova

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