No 1(32) (2019)


This article is dedicated to up-to-date topic – gamification in education. The authors analyze and highlight weaknesses of current basic gamification approaches and models such as PBL-model, Werbach’s and Hunter’s gamification model, Y-kai Chou’s gamification model, the model for introduction of gamification into e-learning in higher education. The aim of the research is to develop a new gamification approach to education based on the existing models. Methods: system approach, comparative analysis. Methodological basic principles of the research are Y-kai Chou’ Octalysis, Bloom’s and Simpson’s taxonomies, LM-GM model. Results. The authors propose the new approach to gamification for education. It is based on videogame potential usage in two ways: firstly, on holistic design of virtual world embedding fundamental characteristics and properties, secondly, on game mechanics usage. The new approach takes into account not only pedagogical
goals, but also needs and interests of learners and consists in algorithm that describes gamification of educational course.

Ключевые слова:

Education, gamification, game mechanics, learning mechanics, Octalysis, taxonomy of educational objectives


Evgeny O. Akchelov

Ekaterina V. Galanina

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