No 3(34) (2019)



Relevance of the research is determined by the ontological variability, difference of cognition methods that represents the variation pattern of the world. The mosaic philosophy causes the problem of independence of integrity as a single knowledge left unpartitioned. The mechanism of augmented reality perceptual and conceptual types of space-time in fairy tales is the largest research interest and heuristic potential. Subjective perception of the world in space-time can be realized by the way of simulating geographic, chronological components, characteristic of concept of space-time. The aim of the study is to update the integrity (affinity) of genesis of social norms in the archaic forms of syncretic thinking (Russian fairy tales). The article seeks to address the idea of kinship as a form of social purpose of Russian fairy tales. Methods. The author relied on abstract-logical, phenomenological approaches, a wide range of sources of socio-philosophical content. The results. In the context of the kinship concepts the social purpose of Russian fairy tales vary. It can be expressed in different ways: integrity – synthesis of figurative-symbolic archaic nature of consciousness in the tales art space-time; creation of poetic forms in the context of the unity of perceptual, conceptual and real space-time. In terms of space-time semantics the social purpose is defined by imperatives, universals of signed (character) reflection of the world through interpretation of fairy tale as a system of symbols. Social tenets of archaic art are embodied in the collective images of a single, whole, represent the result of domestic harmony, external worlds (real and substantial) embodied in the tales.

Ключевые слова:

Fairy tale, space-time, social purpose, augmented reality, universality


Andrey A. Suslov

Vera V. Orlova

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